Welcome to Lab Muffin Beauty Science!
🙋🏻 I'm Michelle, a chemistry PhD, cosmetic chemist and science educator, here to explain how beauty products work, debunk myths, and help you make smarter decisions about your skincare, hair and makeup! Subscribe for videos every fortnight: http://bit.ly/labmuffinyt Blog https://labmuffin.com Instagram https://instagram.com/labmuffinbeauty... Facebook https://facebook.com/labmuffin Twitter https://twitter.com/labmuffin TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@labmuffinbeau... ✨ Want smooth, glowing skin? Grab a copy of my FREE Essential Guide to Exfoliation! https://labmuffin.com/exfol
Busting beauty and skincare science myths - there's a lot of sunscreen misinformation!
In depth reviews of products I've tried - mostly skincare
Everything you ever wanted to know about sunscreen and sun protection! This is a crash course in sunscreen science.