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16 views · 11 months ago
I wouldn't go that far..
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"-Do you seek jamaharon? -The Horga'hn is for a friend." - Captain Picard / Star Trek
Jean-Luc Picard and his Horga'hn, on Risa. Riker is a funny lad. Review our podcast on iTunes: ********************************** I AM NOT COLLECTING STAR TREK PROPS. HOWEVER, THE HORGA'HN IS PERFECT. IT GAVE US PATRICK STEWART'S BEST TV MOMENT EVER. (AFTER HIS 'EXTRAS' EPISODE)
  • YANN
Is it good, bad or just plain standard? Tell us in the comments! The Good, the Bad and the Just Plain Standard podcast is hosted by Adam Dick, Anouk Aslam Wulfing & Yann S. and produced by Milk In A Wineglass. *********************************** ——————— AVAILABLE ON: ——————— ITUNES ► SPOTIFY ► STITCHER ► ———————————————­————————­————————­———— Follow THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE JUST PLAIN STANDARD for more! ———————————————­————————­————————­———— Instagram ►   / goodbadstandardpodcast   Adam’s Instagram ►   / actor_ad   Anouk’s Instagram ►   / anouksamia   Patreon ► http://patreon.goodbadstandardpodcast... Website ► Email ► *********************************** #StarTrek #Picard #Jamaharon ***********************************

Milk In A Wineglass

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